Thursday 7 June 2012

Starting a business

Well, I've had an idea to start a small online business online. I thought it would be easy, well I thought wrong. There are so many legalities you need to go through and urgh. But baby steps I suppose, we'll get there in the end. So I've wrote everything down in my journal so I don't get brain crack, (When you have an idea and need to get out as fast as you can, because otherwise your brain becomes addicted to the idea of ideas.) But for now, I have to get through my remaining six exams if I want to get anywhere. Oh dear.

Friday 4 May 2012

Thirty Day Book Challenge

I am actually going to complete one of these challenges. I also want to start vlogging so I'll do this on Youtube too! 
  1. Your 10 favorite books of all time.
  2. Your favorite characters and which books they’re from.
  3. Characters you hate and which books they’re from.
  4. If you were stranded on a desert island, what five books would you take with you? Include one reason for each.
  5. The best book you’ve read in the last year.
  6. The worst book you’ve read in the last year.
  7. Your favorite quotes from books.
  8. Your favorite quotes about books.
  9. Name five absolutely great film adaptations of books.
  10. Name three absolutely awful film adaptations of books.
  11. Your favorite authors.
  12. Your favorite book from childhood
  13. A book you regret not having read sooner
  14. A book you haven’t read but is on your “will read” list.
  15. A book you haven’t read and have no intention of ever reading,.
  16. A book you want to like, but can’t get into for whatever reason. Why can’t you get into it?
  17. A book that you think is highly overrated.
  18. A book that you think is woefully underrated
  19. The environment you most enjoy reading in
  20. The most disturbing book you’ve ever read
  21. A book you once loved, but don’t anymore. What changed?
  22. A book you once hated, but now love. What changed?
  23. Your favorite series
  24. The nerdiest book you’ve ever read.
  25. Your favorite type of nonfiction book
  26. Your favorite genre
  27. The first book you can remember reading on your own
  28. An author you wish was more well-known
  29. The book you’re reading right now.

Hello, again

Hello, well it's being a long time. During this time I've handed all my english coursework in. Just about got my media done, well I am sooooo glad to see the back of that.
Had my interview for the costumes course. Well it didn't go terribly well.. it was a group interview and you answered questions and showed your work and oh goodness, I didn't like it one bit. I've also got to send off a CV for the work experience, I'm not sure if I'll get anything as the production has already started but, I'll keep my hopes up. I'm kind of in two minds weather to go for it at all, its a show I'm a fan of so I don't know weather that would be help or a hindrance. On the other hand, I like the show in a, 'oh yeah its alright' rather than OMG ITS MY LYF LOOOOL!!1 Because, yano, I'm not a 15 year old girl, which is pretty much half of the fanbase of said show and they actually act like that. Le sigh, I suppose I'll go for it and hope for the best. We shall see!

Monday 16 April 2012

I can post it here cos I know people won't see it

Well, college has had a pretty bad negative effect on me. Oh dear, turns out I had a panic attack this morning. I didn't even know I had them. I've been crying on off since I've gotten up. Was determined to go to college, I got half way up the road and kinda hastily walked back home and broke down to my mum.
    My mum had a talk with me which calmed me down and told me, 'everyone finds their thing in the end, you may just take longer to find yours' So as I've now I'm calmer but still a bit apprehensive if the college phone me and ask why I'm not in. Feeling pretty fucking stupid at the moment, but I can't help it. Can't believe this is all over a piece of work. Oh two more months and I can sing a big 'fuck you' at that place.

I wouldn't mind but my make up looks half decent for a change. Typical.

Monday 9 April 2012

Well then

Well London was amazing, such a brilliant weekend. I'll write a type of diary entry for it later. But first. About a week ago I got a letter from Liverpool Community College saying how I've got an interview in about 2 weeks tomorrow. Oh, everything is finally happening! 
So I've sketched up a quick design for a costume. I've taken inspiration from the Devil's Carnival. I'm doing a Woe-Madien/Harleyquin. I will post a the process on here. Yay!

Thursday 5 April 2012


I am packed and ready to go on my adventure! I'd be lying to say I wasn't a little nervous, scared even. This is a bit thing for me, first time going to London. First time without any rents, mine don't know that... Because of the I feel guilty D:
But I'm excited as I'm visiting the sets of Harry Potter, oh my goodness! hgkjsfhggkjjf

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Creative Ideas

Well, my media teacher emailed me a brief for my media coursework which has to link to my essay (A star theory of Elvis in the 50s) Oh so many ideas! I just hope I can do the things I want to. The only problem is I have to link the product to my essay, which I have yet to finish, oh dear.
     So I think what I'm going to do is a new iconic star who would be a 'modern girl inspired by the 50s' but I think I may somehow put a pin up spin on it. But I'm stuck for a name, I've looked at some Burlesque names and name generators but all I got back was either really cringe worthy and not classy, or too crude.
Now I have to plan a layout for my three products and next week I'll take the pictures for it. I really should finish the essay first *sigh*